Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Colorado Rykens

We received a note from Michael Ryken II the other day on this gmail account. He lives in Colorado. He found the Ryken Reunion blog by googling and sent a lovely note! Michael is the grandson of Tom Ryken, great grandson of Frank Ryken. He wants to stay in contact with the Ryken family. He said, "We were in the 1983 pic. I was 4. I will send you a pic of my family."

Thank you, Michael for reaching out to your Ryken family. We hope to plan a large reunion in the next year or two and meet you and your adorable family some day.

Michael Ryken Sr. with grand kids
Michael Ryken II, with his lovely family     

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ryken Reunion, you volunteering?

So, I've been asked by a few Ryken's if there is going to be a reunion this year....umm..not unless someone else wants to put the deposit on a park and start communicating like mad. If someone in the Bay Area wanted to reserve a park and start spreading the word, I'm sure Ryken folks would attend.