Ryken Family Reunion
When: Sunday, August 14 from
Time: Noon to 5 p.m.
Where: Cerrito Vista Picnic Area
950 Pomona Ave El Cerrito, CA 94530
Bring: Please bring your own food and beverages
Games: Gunny-sac races, egg toss, water balloon toss, "Dennis look-a-like" contest and more!
RSVP: Nora Bailey Bruce @ 916.488.7593 or rykenfamily@gmail.com
The Cerrito Vista picnic area is next to a playset and a volleyball area.
Please help me spread the word to every Ryken in your address book!
Please help me spread the word to every Ryken in your address book!
Saturday, August 13: A few of Ryken's will be going to Great America on Saturday "Papa Style"! Please e-mail me at rykenfamily@gmail.com for more information!