Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Colorado Rykens

We received a note from Michael Ryken II the other day on this gmail account. He lives in Colorado. He found the Ryken Reunion blog by googling and sent a lovely note! Michael is the grandson of Tom Ryken, great grandson of Frank Ryken. He wants to stay in contact with the Ryken family. He said, "We were in the 1983 pic. I was 4. I will send you a pic of my family."

Thank you, Michael for reaching out to your Ryken family. We hope to plan a large reunion in the next year or two and meet you and your adorable family some day.

Michael Ryken Sr. with grand kids
Michael Ryken II, with his lovely family     

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ryken Reunion, you volunteering?

So, I've been asked by a few Ryken's if there is going to be a reunion this year....umm..not unless someone else wants to put the deposit on a park and start communicating like mad. If someone in the Bay Area wanted to reserve a park and start spreading the word, I'm sure Ryken folks would attend.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ryken Reunion: August 2011

Ryken Reunion 2011
Ryken Reunion picture from 1983?

We did it! We went and had a family reunion after all these years and it was great. And you know what? I can't wait to do it again, year after year. The Ryken family is great and deserves to be together to mix and mingle on an annual basis.
Robert Frings, Uncle David Ryken and David Frings

Lane Christine Ryken Bailey and Family

Richard Ryken and some of his family

Dennis Ryken and Family

Laura Ryken Frings and Family

Stephen Ryken and Family

Jimmy Ryken, Natalie and Friend

Robert Frings, Liam Peri and Casey Bruce

Phylura and Jim Ryken and some of their family

Jim, Eric, Phylura and Mark Ryken

Robert Frings, David Frings, Bridget Peri and Margery Bailey

Laura Ryken Frings and Connor Frings

Lots of great pictures were brought to the reunion, including this one of celebrating Papa and Jimmy's Birthday!

Maybe on our way to Great America!
Great Uncle Jimmy, Papa, Margery and Nora

Cassidy, Margery, Laney and Nora = Double Twin Fun

Erik loves his cousin Lila

Lila loves to smile!
I think the month of August is going to stick, all that remains up in the air is the location. I chose El Cerrito because it was close to Phylura and Jim and centrally located to most, but if you know of a great spot, indoors or out, that can handle our clan and has clean bathrooms, please let me know. I would like to reserve the August 2012 Ryken Reunion spot in January so we have plenty of time to get the word out and get as many folks attending as possible!

Chris Ryken, Amy, Dan Ryken and Megan
David and Jack Frings

Liam Peri and Casey Bruce

Casey, Erik and Margery Bailey

Friday, July 8, 2011

Reunion = Sunday, Aug 14

Ryken Family Reunion 

When: Sunday, August 14 from  

Time: Noon to 5 p.m.

Where: Cerrito Vista Picnic Area

950 Pomona Ave El Cerrito, CA 94530

Bring: Please bring your own food and beverages 

Games: Gunny-sac races, egg toss, water balloon toss, "Dennis look-a-like" contest and more!

RSVP: Nora Bailey Bruce @ 916.488.7593 or

The Cerrito Vista picnic area is next to a playset and a volleyball area.

Please help me spread the word to every Ryken in your address book!

Saturday, August 13: A few of Ryken's will be going to Great America on Saturday "Papa Style"! Please e-mail me at for more information!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dates for Ryken BBQ

Hello Ryken Family!

Although it may feel like Summer is not coming to Northern California, I'm sure it will be HOT before we know it and we need to make BBQ plans!

Dates for Ryken BBQ
Saturday, August 13
Sunday, August 14

Time: 11 a.m. to whenever
Where: Marina or another Bay Area park

I need to create a master Ryken contact list. Please email me your contact info at

Thank you! Looking forward to getting together!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ryken Family vintage photos

Great Grandpa Frank Ryken and his seven children

Ryken Family on Thanksgiving 1953

Friday, December 24, 2010

Welcome to the Ryken Reunion blog!

Merry Christmas Ryken Family!

Mom(Lane Christine Ryken Bailey) and I (Nora) have been toying with the idea of creating a Ryken Reunion blog, so we can have a one-stop place for Ryken family to visit and post pictures and learn more about our family history AND put dates for a REUNION! Yep, I said it. I want to see you all. I want to know what you are doing and how you are doing. I want a date to look forward to seeing you.

So, I'm gonna throw out the date: August of 2011...let's do this Ryken people!!!
  • Can someone in the Bay Area look at places, like the Marina or a big park, where we all can bring a dish of food and maybe $10 for hot dogs and burgers and we can play for the day!! What do you say??
  • Any volunteers? Beuller? Beuller?
In the meantime, I am going to send you all info on how to post to this blog, so you can add pictures and entries of family history or information on what you are up today.